giovedì, Maggio 16, 2024
HomeEsteriUkraine crisis. Zelensky & his wife star in Vogue America while Ukrainians...

Ukraine crisis. Zelensky & his wife star in Vogue America while Ukrainians die

From the beginning of the conflict it has been clear that the international media, and the Italian media with few exceptions, have sided without ifs and buts with Kiev.
The entourage of Zelensky, a poor actor, has constructed a cardboard hero who in these very days has shown the world that the war for him and his wife, is little more than a stage on which to show off his ego, and the media have been a sounding board for this tale.
Zelensky, the man who wanted to beat the Russians turns out to actually be a little man , self-centered and indifferent to the tragedy of the Ukrainian people.
It is news these days that Zelensky & his wife, have posed for Vogue America for a reportage that will published in October, as if the tragedy of the Ukrainian people did not exist.
Demonstration of disregard for the suffering of the people they in words say they love and want to defend.
Zelensky finally showed the world who he really is, a little man, poor actor and egocentric.
The war for him is a occasion, tragic, to be exploited. The future may be uncertain for him in Ukraine.

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